Nov. 13, 2023

Maura Murray 2-One of New England's most enduring mysteries, the case is a classic question mark

Maura Murray 2-One of New England's most enduring mysteries, the case is a classic question mark

There are several theories about what happened to Maura. She had several stressors in her young life, but did those stressors have anything to do with her disappearance? Could this be a suicide? an attempt to start a new life? or did Maura cross paths with a nefarious stranger? Do her friends at University of Massachusetts know more than they are revealing? It's been twenty years since Maura went missing and few answers have been forthcoming and the families heart ache remains. What happened here?

The Disappearance of Maura Murray (Amazon Prime)-

Missing Maura Murray Podcast-

True Crime Addict by James Renner-