June 11, 2022

Vanessa Marcotte-was targeted by a sex maniac, while on a run in 2016, despite DNA the case has yet to go to trial

Vanessa Marcotte-was targeted by a sex maniac, while on a run in 2016, despite DNA the case has yet to go to trial

Vanessa seemingly excelled at everything she attempted. She graduated from Boston University in 2011, with honors and began a series of high tech jobs, she soon landed a big job with Google in NYC. She was living the dream, hard work did pay off. She was visiting her mom in Princeton, Ma. She went out for a run, as she was an exercise enthusiast. She left midday and was not heard from again. Her body was located after the police enlisted the public and search dogs. Some remarkable police work, soon produced a viable suspect, his DNA and cell phone records tied him directly to this brutal homicide. Vanessa Marcote was a fighter and this character trait will likely put her murderer in prison for the rest of his life. Tune in for more details!

Daily News-https://bit.ly/3HvldfP
CBS News-https://cbsn.ws/3QaPPHj